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Psychological Therapy

Creating your own path to eating disorder recovery

Eating Disorder Therapist Sydney, Eating Disorder treatment Sydney

Eating Disorder Treatment and Eating Disorder Therapy

There is no one right way to recover from an eating disorder and no one size fits all approach. As someone who has also struggled with an Eating Disorder , I believe that full recovery is possible, not just symptom improvement or weight restoration. I will work with you to create your own personalised eating disorder treatment plan using a diverse range of therapeutic approaches dependent on your needs.


I will meet you exactly where you are and you we will work closely together for as long as you need or until you feel confident enough that you no longer need my guidance. You can visit me at my eating disorder clinic in Sydney or online. My goal is to empower you to let go of what no longer serves you and reconnect with who you really are.

therapy for eating disorders sydney

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) & CBT for Eating Disorders (CBT-E)

Evidence-based, skill-building and goal oriented aimed at changing unhelpful patterns of thinking, feeling and acting.

Psychologist Sydney

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Using acceptance and mindfulness to increase psychological flexibility and help you build a life that is in alignment with your values.

Psychologist Northern Beaches

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

A powerful self-help tool which incorporates energy systems to help release negative emotions and memories.

therapy for eating disorders sydney

Specialist Supportive Clinical Management (SSCM)

A flexible approach combining normalising disordered eating and a focus on other important life issues 

Eating disorder therapist Sydney

Cognitive Hypnotherapy 


A modern form of hypnosis combined with CBT, aimed at resolving unhelpful, subconscious patterns of thinking, feeling and acting.

Eating disorder therapist Sydney

Recovery Coaching


Using positive psychology and behavioural change to increase performance, achievement and overall wellbeing.

therapy for eating disorders sydney

Family Based Therapy (FBT)

Specifically for children and adolescents, this involves the whole family with parent involvement in normalising eating patterns and providing encouragement and support

Psychologist Northern Beaches


Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy is used to relieve psychological distress, trauma and PTSD.


To claim a Medicare rebate for your psychology sessions, you will need to have a valid Medicare card, a referral letter from your GP specialist or psychiatrist (dated within the last 12 months), with an accompanying Care Plan:


1. Eating Disorders Plan (EDP) up to 40 sessions per year

2. Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) up to 10 sessions per year

3. Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC) up to 5 sessions per year


The Referral Process


GP referral letter + MHCP/EDP/EPC

Psychiatrist referral letter



Book in your free 15 minute consultation with Hannah Myall to find out whether we are the right fit.


Book your first intake session either in person or online.


Complete assessment and/or develop a personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs.

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My Approach to Eating Disorder Therapy

Living with an Eating Disorder can be an extremely lonely, isolating place to be. I believe that collaboration is key to eating disorder treatment, where you and I will work together to create a recovery path that best suits you. There is no one-size fits all when it comes to eating disorder therapy, which is why I use a range of therapeutic models and approaches tailored to unique requirements of each client. Together we will look at both conscious and subconscious patterns keeping you stuck, aiming to uncover the root cause to your eating disorder. I call this 'inside-out recovery' which goes way beyond just changing your behaviours around food.


As someone who has fully recovered from an eating disorder, I whole-heatedly believe that full recovery is possible with the right eating disorder treatment, eating disorder therapist and support. 


My goal is to show you the incredible amount of possibility and power that’s within you. You already have all the resources you need . I’m just here to help you find the strength to live the life you deserve.

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Eating disorder therapist
Eating disorder therapist Sydney, therapy for eating disorders sydney, Psychologist Northern Beaches
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inside out
well thoughts
Eating disorder therapist

Have a Question?
Get in Touch

Suite 9, 2A Redman Road

Dee Why, 2099, NSW

+61 432 445 320

Eating Disorder Psychologist in Sydney

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